Nikola Tesla inventions, facts and biography

Nikola Tesla inventions, facts and biography
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Sedjan, (what is now) Croatia. He is known as a very eccentric and prolific inventor. He did not graduate from college after becoming a gambling addict, despite being an excellent student with excellent grades. Tesla's first post after college was working on the Budapest telephone exchange. In 1882 he found a job in Paris with Edison, installing incandescent lamps as part of a city-wide lighting project. Tesla moved to New York in 1884 to continue working for Edison in the manufacturing division. Six months later, he resigned and set up his own company that creates bow lights
George Westinghouse was supporting AC as a method of generating and distributing electricity because it is a more efficient way to transfer electricity over large distances. Unlike direct current (DC), which has been floated by Edison, the AC voltage can be changed easily, allowing high voltages to be transported over long distances and low voltages at home. Direct current works well for lighting, but the problem with AC as a standard for generating electricity was the lack of a suitable motor. Tesla overcame this by creating an AC induction motor. Edison tried to convince people that AS is not as safe as a DC system. During the Tesla era, AS systems are now the international standard and used worldwide
Nikola Tesla inventions, facts and biography
Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1891, the same year that he patented the Tesla coil. Tesla became very interested in the idea of transmitting wireless electricity. He spent a lot of time during the 1890s using the newly invented Tesla Coil workout with wireless electrical distribution and remote connections. Also during this time, Tesla consulted in the construction of the first hydroelectric power station created in 1893 in Niagara Falls

Tesla died on January 7, 1943, 86 years old in New York City

The car manufacturer, Tesla, named after him, and it still uses its original 1822 plan for the AC engine. The C unit is called for magnetic flow density Tesla (T), after Nicolas
nikola tesla inventions 
AC networks
Alternating the current engine
Tesla Coils

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