The information is healthy in the area of public health

Health information about different organs of the body

The information is healthy in the area of public health

One of the strange causes of diarrhea is stress and stress, so doctors advise to avoid stress.
Doctors advise people with sputum in the chest to inhale peppermint boiling water vapor due to the benefit of chest purification
Doctors recommend eating thyme with different types of foods because it is useful in eliminating amoeba, causing vomiting, diarrhea and various digestive disorders.
Doctors recommend avoiding psychological and neurological stress in order to avoid high blood pressure because high atherosclerosis leads to atherosclerosis and in some cases may lead to clots.
Doctors recommend eating fish once or more a week to provide the body with its phosphorus needs because any decrease in the body's phosphorus rate leads to general stress and fatigue.
Doctors recommend using olive oil as an alternative to other oils because of its ability to raise the body's beneficial cholesterol.
The Messenger of God (pbuh) has ordered us to eat garlic, and doctors have stressed the importance of this because it protects the heart and prevents any atherosclerosis and heart attacks as it plays an important role in flipping the chances of blood clotting.
Garlic is one of the most important things that can be taken on a daily basis because of its benefits on the arteries such as re-elasticity and keeping the heart from clots due to high sulfur level.
Doctors recommend regular blood pressure monitoring because it can lead to clots or trapping fluid inside the lungs.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has pointed out that alcohol is one of the ugliest things prevalent among Europeans and warned of its damage because excessive drinking destroys the liver and brain cells and leads to Alzheimer's disease in old age.
Doctors recommend those who want to lose weight to follow a specific diet that gives the body all its needs and completely refrains from any form of severe awareness that may lead to complications such as reduced burn rate, memory loss or low concentration, as well as slimming or any diet under the supervision of a doctor.
Doctors recommend a diet, a specific type or diet approved by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, in which bananas are recommended in large quantities because it contains potassium, which promotes heart health, since only one fruit of bananas contains 422 milligrams of potassium and therefore recommends the institute to follow that diet because it gives very impressive results in restoring the health of the softer heart and arteries.
Everyone thinks coffee is helpful, but heart patients are not advised to have coffee at all because of heart damage.
Migraine affects most young people and decreases with age.
Doctors recommend tests on the prostate gland and male hormone because any defect that sits with them can lead to physical and psychological diseases.
Lymph nodes are the most important barrier against viruses because they work against viruses and external microbes.

Valuable public health information that can benefit you

Did you know that if you're tired and exercising, you'll be turned on despite stress by increasing blood flow

Did you know that abdominal exercises alone are not enough to remove abdominal and middle fat, so you should combine cardio exercises with them  ♀️ ♂️

Did you know that the success rate of people in the diet without a sport does not exceed 10% 

Did you know that running 15p a day improves your self, helps you sleep, increases your concentration levels

Did you know that coffee reduces frustration and anxiety, as one cup of coffee reduces depression by 8% 

I hope that I have benefited from you, who have inquiries under their leadership, and for more sports and health information about diet, I am honored to follow you 
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