Biological wars throughout history

Biological wars throughout history
Biological wars throughout history
When we hear the sentence of biological warfare we imagine that the situation is linked to development or technology but in fact biological warfare is older than this in the 6th century BC The Assyrians to win
In their wars against the Chaldeans, they were thrown into the riverbed, which drank poisonous mushrooms and in Europe in the 12th century, the Turkish commander Barbarossa collected the bodies of his decaying soldiers and threw them into the river in order to poison the Italians at the Battle of Tortona and in the 13th 

century, Genikiz Khan was collecting all the plague-infected cows. And release it in the country to fight it to kill all animals and the people of the country go hungry and control it easily and after the plague spread among the soldiers attar in 1346 and did not know the entry of the city of Kafa in Crimea because of its high walls killed the bodies of their soldiers afflicted by the plague within the walls of the city abandoned The catapult of thousands of people died and the Tatars knew to enter the city after the surrender of its people and because of them the plague spread in Europe and about 75 million people died and called it black death and in 1710 the Soviet Union was fighting Sweden and besieging it in the city of Raval and to be able to enter the city with Plague-infected soldiers spread the disease in the city and the Soviet Union easily won the war and the English in 1763 in their war on India sent blankets of Indians contaminated with smallpox from most of the diseases that spread rapidly and from India spread to a second country in Asia and infected millions and after the defeat of the Germans in In the first year of 1918, America accused Germany of spreading diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, cholera and plague. Britain tested anthrax. Two years later, America launched a biological weapons project in Maryland, and biological weapons are a double-edged-double weapon, and their gravity could harm them, as happened in Russia in 1978, the development of anthrax, spreading between      them and all those who were working on it died 

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